Student Engineering Jobs in Adliswil

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2025 Graduate Talent Program – Tech – Requirement Engineer – ZH  

UBS - Zürich

We’re looking for someone who’s curious and wants to thrive in a business that never stops moving. We welcome all majors, but it’s important to have an interest in the financial industry. We want to see...

von: - Vor 24 Tagen

Intern / Working Student Process Development (Engineering) (a)  

Hapa AG - Volketswil

We are committed to improving our product development tool and process landscape. Our main goal is to roll out a modern product lifecycle process and establish agile research and development methods across...

von: - Vor mehr als 30 Tagen

PhD Student in Design of additive manufactured structures (100 %)  

ZHAW - Winterthur

We are looking for a highly motivated PhD student to contribute to our SNF WEAVE-Project "Ultra-Silent Gears", a collaboration between the Institute of Product Development and Production Technologies ...

von: - Vor 18 Tagen

PhD Student in Mixed Reality and Generative AI  

ZHAW - Winterthur

May 1st 2025; To apply, please submit a letter of motivation including information on previous scientific work and publications if available, your CV, and contact details of two referees. Please ensure...

von: - Vor 24 Tagen

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