Application Owner Software Jobs

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Product Owner  

Bühler AG - Uzwil

We are leveraging cutting edge technologies on Microsoft Azure to further drive innovation in service. As part of Bühler's digital and service transformation, we are further extending our software team...

von: - Vor 2 Tagen

Technical Application / Product Owner  

LGT Capital Partners AG - Pfäffikon SZ

take ownership as technical application / product owner of the Investor Portal solution, including the management of the entire lifecycle of the solution (from requirements analysis/definition to development...

von: - Vor 16 Tagen

AI Product Owner  

UBS - Kraków, Zürich

• AI model lifecycle management: Partner with data science and engineering teams to manage the full lifecycle of AI models from training and validation to deployment and monitoring, ensuring that models...

von: - Vor 18 Tagen

Software Engineer C++  

MaxWell Biosystems - Zürich

Our technology consists of our software suite MaxLab Live, a custom designed integrated circuit, and an FPGA-based data acquisition platform and generates vast amounts of data when electrically imaging...

von: - Vor 23 Tagen

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