University Jobs in Bellwald

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Plastic surgeon, Belgium  

PhD-Jobs.NET - Ganze Schweiz

Be already registered with the Order of Physicians in Belgium or in another country of the European Union/European Economic Area, or be registered with the Order of Physicians in Belgium, Speak French...

von: - Vor mehr als 30 Tagen

Professorship for Applied Microeconomics and/or Applied Micro-Econometrics (100%, open rank)  

UniDistance Suisse - Schinerstrasse 18, Brig

The position will complement and expand the faculty's existing expertise, which is currently focused on applied microeconomics and applied microeconometrics. The new professorship should enhance the research...

von: - Gestern

Expert in research management for the Research Support Office (80'100%)  

UniDistance Suisse - Schinerstrasse 18, Brig

Modern and pleasant working environment : Our campus is just a few minutes' walk from the charming old town of Brig and the SBB railway station, close to beautiful natural areas and well-known mountain...

von: - Vor 21 Tagen

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