English Customer Service Jobs in Bern

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Spécialiste logistique/Customer Service  

Gi Life Sciences - Neuchâtel

You will be responsible for planning and monitoring patient treatment schedules for product manufacturing and maintain a relationship of trust with the company's sales team and clinical partners. Proven...

von: jobscout24.ch - Vor 12 Tagen

Customer Service and Supply Chain Specialist (m/f)  

Randstad (Schweiz) AG, Winterthur - Bulle

The Customer Service and Supply Chain Specialist is responsible for the orders collection & creation, the delivery note creation, the forecasts collection and analyses for the 3rd parties' customers from...

von: jobscout24.ch - Vor 13 Tagen

Customer Care Specialist  

Cellap Laboratoire SA - Châtel-St-Denis

Cellcosmet is a pioneering global luxury cosmetic brand dedicated to providing innovative, high-quality and science-based beauty products. Our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction has established...

von: jobscout24.ch - Vor 27 Tagen

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