Cleaner Jobs in Genf

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Painter / Cleaner  

Jet Aviation Basel - Genève

Since 1967, Jet Aviation has been crafting flight in its smoothest form. From one hangar in Basel, Switzerland, to some 4,000 employees, and some 50 locations worldwide. Aircraft Management, Aircraft Sales...

von: - Vor 26 Tagen

Immediately: Part-Time Housekeeper in Cologny GE - English Speaker  


A family in Cologny is seeking a Part-time House Cleaner. 16-20 hours per week with the possibility to extend the hours. The position involves working in a two-floor house. In June, the family will welcome...

von: - Vor 29 Tagen

Part-Time Housekeeper in Cologny - 20 hours per week  

Cologny, GE

We are looking for a meticulous and trustworthy housekeeper to help maintain a clean and organized home in beautiful Cologny. This is a part-time position ideal for someone with an eye for detail and a...

von: - Vor mehr als 30 Tagen

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Cleaner in Genf