Legal Counsel Jobs in Genf

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Legal Counsel, Claims  

Michael Page - Geneva

Handle and investigate incidents and claims regarding the cargoes (especially reefer cargoes). Knowledge of maritime law or shipping or transportation business world. Provide legal assistance (with support...

von: - Vor 23 Tagen

Senior Legal Counsel - FIDIC specialist (m/f) 100%  

Michael Page - Geneva

The successful candidate will support project teams with the negotiation, drafting, and management of contracts related to construction, procurement, and associated disputes. This role also involves providing...

von: - Vor mehr als 30 Tagen

Legal Counsel / Contract Officer Trading (m/f) 100%  

Michael Page - Geneva

Trading Contracts - Various financial agreements, including spot, futures, forwards, options, swaps, and CFDs, allowing market participants to trade assets, hedge risks, or speculate on price movements...

von: - Vor mehr als 30 Tagen

Dispute Resolution & Shipping Lawyer  

Michael Page - Geneva

Working under the guidance of the Legal Director of Dispute Resolution and other senior team members to oversee the company's global uninsured disputes (including out-of-court settlements, litigation,...

von: - Vor mehr als 30 Tagen

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Legal Counsel in Genf