Software Industrial Jobs in Holderbank

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Job in Germany: PC software developer (m/f/d) for industrial plants  

TROESTER GmbH & Co. KG - Bern, Switzerland

We are looking for the next possible date for a PC software developer (m/f/d) for industrial systems Tasks: Project planning and programming of PC-supported process visualization systems with different...

von: - Gestern

IT Marketing & Sales Specialist  

cogify ag - Root, LU

iCards – NFC & RFID-powered business networking , enabling instant contact exchange, CRM integration, and engagement tracking. iCards showcase our expertise in RFID and automation technologies for digital...

von: - Vor 2 Tagen

Specialist Flue Gas Treatment (100%)  

Holcim Technology Ltd - 5113 Holderbank AG (AG)

We must further develop various Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) technologies with the objective of having economically viable solutions at industrial scale by 2030. CCUS plays an important...

von: - Vor 25 Tagen

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