Manager Clinical Experts Jobs

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Consultant Breast Surgeon, Ireland  

PhD-Jobs.NET - Ganze Schweiz

Registration as a specialist in the Specialist Division of the Register of Medical Practitioners maintained by the Medical Council in Ireland in the specialities of Breast and General Surgery. OET or IELTS...

von: - Vor mehr als 30 Tagen

Consultant Ophthalmologist (Cataract Experience), Ireland  

PhD-Jobs.NET - Ganze Schweiz

Perform advanced ophthalmic surgeries, including cataract, glaucoma, and retinal procedures. Fellowship or equivalent in Ophthalmology. STELLENBESCHREIBUNG Contact person: Vitaly Pryadka

von: - Vor mehr als 30 Tagen

Consultant Ophthalmologist, Ireland  

PhD-Jobs.NET - Ganze Schweiz

Perform advanced ophthalmic surgeries, with a particular emphasis on cataract procedures, along with glaucoma and retinal surgeries. Mentor and contribute to the training of junior staff. Expertise in...

von: - Vor mehr als 30 Tagen

Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, Ireland  

PhD-Jobs.NET - Ganze Schweiz

Perform advanced ophthalmic surgeries, including cataract, glaucoma, and retinal procedures. Full registration with the Irish Medical Council. Fellowship or equivalent in Ophthalmology. STELLENBESCHREIBUNG...

von: - Vor mehr als 30 Tagen

Consultant Geriatric Medicine, Ireland  

PhD-Jobs.NET - Ganze Schweiz

We are seeking a skilled Consultant in Geriatric Medicine to join our multidisciplinary team and deliver expert care to our patients. Manage and oversee the treatment of complex geriatric conditions. Specialist...

von: - Vor mehr als 30 Tagen

Emergency Medicine Consultant, Ireland  

PhD-Jobs.NET - Ganze Schweiz

Connolly Hospital is a modern healthcare facility known for its high standards of care, especially in the Emergency Department (ED). If you’re passionate about delivering compassionate, top-quality emergency...

von: - Vor mehr als 30 Tagen

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