Project Accounting Specialist Jobs

1 bis 4 von 4 Stellenangeboten

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Tax Accounting Manager or Senior Manager - Corporate Tax  

KPMG - Zurich, CH

Are you interested in becoming part of a dynamic, multicultural team obtaining insights into the tax affairs of multinational groups always keeping the accounting considerations in mind too? Our Tax Accounting...

von: (+1 Quelle) - Vor 15 Tagen

Tax Accounting Senior Consultant or Assistant Manager  

KPMG AG - Carouge GE

Are you interested in becoming part of a dynamic, multicultural team obtaining insights into the tax affairs of multinational groups and applying specialist tax skills in a high performing and exciting...

von: - Vor 18 Tagen

Senior financial analyst (100% w/m)  

Kolb Distribution AG - Hedingen

Responsibility for the commercial controlling and sales commentaries on the business evolution and performance within KLK Kolb Group including preparation of the timely, accurate and comprehensive monthly...

von: - Vor mehr als 30 Tagen

Accountant (100%)  

LHH - Zürich, Switzerland

Prepare monthly, quarterly, and annual financial statements in accordance with Swiss GAAP (OR) and IFRS. Collaboration with Legal Team: Support property insurance management, including contracts, claims... Competitive

von: - Vor 28 Tagen

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