Social Care Jobs

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Employee Support-Nursing care  

Stiftung LebensART - Bärau

Completed training as a care specialist (Fachfrau/mann Betreuung EFZ), social worker (Sozial pädagoge/pädagogin HF) or equivalent training Personal and professional development opportunities thanks to...

von: - Vor 9 Tagen

English Literature Teacher (Secondary School)  

Geneva English School - Versoix

The GES approach is open, encouraging and outward-looking and we achieve outstanding results, placing GES in the top 5% of British schools worldwide. Our academic outcomes and pastoral care are graded...

von: - Vor 11 Tagen

HR specialist  

Swisslinx - Bern, Switzerland

Data and document maintenance and processing the HR tools including reporting. . Requirements: Required qualifications: Swiss Federal Specialist Certificate and/or University degree in business administration... Competitive

von: - Vor 25 Tagen

Auxiliaire de santé en psychogériatrie (H/F)  

Domino Swiss HR SA - Gimel

Avec 850 collaborateurs permanents, 170 agences en France et à l'étranger et 315 MEUR de CA, nos activités travail temporaire et recrutement se structurent en 4 branches : tertiaire « Staff », médico-social... CHF 3700 - CHF 5000 (Arbeitgeber-Schtz.)

von: - Vor 29 Tagen

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Social Care