Technician Biology Jobs

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Laboratory Technician (Technical Assistant)  

ETH Zürich - Zürich

Join our international and ambitious research team focused on the role of mitochondria for cellular metabolism and physiology. Our research employs cutting-edge biology methods, such as super-resolution...

von: - Vor 4 Tagen

Laborant:in / Technical Assistant / Master / Intern Biologie / Biochemie 80-100%  

Universität Basel - Basel, CH

The present infrastructure and extensive research equipment is state of the art. University of Basel is an equal opportunity employer. Salaries are according to the staff-regulations and depend on the...

von: (+2 Quellen) - Vor 13 Tagen

Laboratory Technician - Immunoassays and Gel Electrophoresis (100%)  

Solvias AG - Kaiseraugst

You will be engaged with ELISA (Binding Assays, Impurities), other types of plate-based assays (colorimetric, fluorometric quantification, enzymatic) and gel electrophoresis (SDS-Page, IEF, Western blot)...

von: - Vor 16 Tagen

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Technician Biology